This year, a few of my friends and I decided to each do an affirmation book for 2012. I used to do them all the time, but somehow with the hustle and bustle of daily life I just forgot about it. If you aren't familar with what an affirmation book is, it's a book that you put positive quotes, thoughts, and pictures. The ones we make are kinda like a calendar of things we want to do or wish to accomplish/affirmation book/journal/scrapbook. You only put positive and uplifting things in it. The thought process behind it is that we often dwell on all the bad things we encounter, but have to be reminded of the good things around us. With this journal, you actively have to consider the awesome things that are going on around you, or are coming your way. It keeps us grounded, hopeful, and content.
It's kind of a throw back to the things we did as young girls. There is nothing like cutting, pasting, and coloring to make a woman feel youthful and hopeful. I try to work in it every day and I find it very therapeutic. Especially if I have had a bad day, this kind of task seems to soothe me and make me slow down and remember the simple things in life.
I challenge you to make one for yourselves. I find that actively taking part in the balance and harmony in my life, helps me to focus on all the great things in my life and to better deal with those things that aren't so great. It's a reminder that the days aren't always so dark and no mater what, if you search hard enough, there is always a glimmer of light out there.