
Monday, May 31, 2010

Simple Pleasures

Although a lot of this is about being 'greener', it's not the entire purpose of this blog. In my pledge to myself, I've promised to simplify. To stop and smell the roses, so to speak. I had two such opportunities this past week.

Is there anything as simple or as relaxing as soap bubbles? A friend at work gave me a bubble wand and I have utilized it almost every day since. When I'm feeling a little stressed at work, I blow them and with the help of my fan, send them over the wall to my neighbor, who gave me the bubbles. She will then gleefully exclaim "Bubbles!" and I'll laugh and blow a few more and it just give us both a moment of silliness. You'd think we were both six, instead of grown adults, but I think that regressing to that inner kid for short periods of time is very good for the soul. I think kids have it right. When kids are actually being kids and playing their little hearts out, there is very little stress and I think we could could learn a lot from children. We often forget two of the best elements in have fun and to laugh. This last five months I have made it a point to have at least one good belly laugh a day and one instance of sublime silliness. So far so good and you know what? I'm a heck of a lot less stressed.

The second goes along with the playing aspect, but it has to do with pets. Studies report that people with pets are less stressed. I don't doubt it. Phantom and I had an evening where we played on my bed, her laying on her back, paws wrapped around my bed rail, while trying to capture my walking fingers. This play went on for about 20 mins, before she gave up and came to head butt me and rub my head affectionately with her own. After a pretty stressful day, this play had me very relaxed and smiling contently. Sometimes she is such good medicine, that I completely forgive her for her 'hell' kitty days.

We tend to think that money, power, or prestige will make us happier, but these two acts gave me a lot more smiles than I've had in a quite a while. Someone told me to find my bliss in everyday things and last week I was lucky enough to find two. Take time to enjoy the moment, for that moment will never return and regret is just more wasted moments.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Review of Sergeant's Nature's Guardian Natural Flea and Tick Squeeze

I'm always on the lookout for natural ways to do things. While looking for a natural alternative to prevent Phantom's fleas, I came across Sergent's Nature's Guardian Natural Flea and Tick Squeeze. I researched it some and decided to give it a try. I really, really wish I had researched this product more, before subjecting my pet to this. I am a bad cat mama. I would not recommend this to any animal lover. In fact, I think it should be removed from public consumption.

Many reviews mentioned the strong smell. The smell did not bother me at all, in fact, it made her smell like a Christmas kitty. The problem began a week after I had treated her. Suddenly she had three oozing blisters on her and now she has a patch of hair, about the size of a quarter, missing between her shoulder blades. After carefully washing the product off her and treating the wounds with antibiotic gel, she is on the mend. I, however, am eaten up with guilt.

After the horrible reaction, I again looked up the product, but this time with the tag of blisters in the search line. I was stunned by all the things the people were saying about this product. Apparently Phantom got off lightly. Many cats have had far worse reactions and in several cases it caused seizures and even death. I nearly cried when I realized I had put her in jeopardy. Sure I complain about her bad kitty behavior, but it's all in jest. I adore her and I never wish anything bad to happen to her. In fact my search for a natural alternative was an attempt to protect her from harsh chemicals.

I have not given up on my search for a natural treatment for her fleas. But, you can bet I will research the next product exhaustively, just to make sure she doesn't go through another ordeal like this one.