
Monday, May 10, 2010

Review of Sergeant's Nature's Guardian Natural Flea and Tick Squeeze

I'm always on the lookout for natural ways to do things. While looking for a natural alternative to prevent Phantom's fleas, I came across Sergent's Nature's Guardian Natural Flea and Tick Squeeze. I researched it some and decided to give it a try. I really, really wish I had researched this product more, before subjecting my pet to this. I am a bad cat mama. I would not recommend this to any animal lover. In fact, I think it should be removed from public consumption.

Many reviews mentioned the strong smell. The smell did not bother me at all, in fact, it made her smell like a Christmas kitty. The problem began a week after I had treated her. Suddenly she had three oozing blisters on her and now she has a patch of hair, about the size of a quarter, missing between her shoulder blades. After carefully washing the product off her and treating the wounds with antibiotic gel, she is on the mend. I, however, am eaten up with guilt.

After the horrible reaction, I again looked up the product, but this time with the tag of blisters in the search line. I was stunned by all the things the people were saying about this product. Apparently Phantom got off lightly. Many cats have had far worse reactions and in several cases it caused seizures and even death. I nearly cried when I realized I had put her in jeopardy. Sure I complain about her bad kitty behavior, but it's all in jest. I adore her and I never wish anything bad to happen to her. In fact my search for a natural alternative was an attempt to protect her from harsh chemicals.

I have not given up on my search for a natural treatment for her fleas. But, you can bet I will research the next product exhaustively, just to make sure she doesn't go through another ordeal like this one.


  1. I bought this tonight at dollar tree and decided to try it on my 3 cats. Shortly after I put it on them one of my cats started foaming at the mouth and became aggressive which isn't like her at all. I quickly grabbed her and put her in the tub scrubbing the product off of her. The other two did not have any symptoms but just to be on the safe side I took a wet rag and scrubbed the product of the best I could. My other kitty is fine for now. I will continue to keep an eye on them.

  2. OMG! my mom in law works at dollar tree & brought this home for the cats..we have several so I am always looking for a natural or cheaper remedy that is safe. I put this on 1 of the cats.then thought to myself wait..isn't peppermint oil bad for cats? I thought I had read that somewhere. no I am seeing all of these reviews of this medicine & i'm SCARED! i'm sitting here watching her & so far she seems ok. no itching or going crazy. I think I still may give her a quick wash with dawn soap to get it off her! I feel horrible!
