
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Month Two: The Slow Come Together

It's raining today.  Nothing unusual about that, seeing I live near Seattle. But, what is different this afternoon is that I can actually hear the rain on my roof.  Normally the rain is so light, that the huge cedars that surround me filter the drops before it reaches the house. A lot of time I only clock it's raining by looking in the pond behind the house, just past the stream.

Everyone was afraid the rain would bother me.  It doesn't.  Now I won't lie, the two full weeks of nothing, but rain that occurred a few weeks back, wore on me a bit, but not in the way I imagined. I didn't feel sad or blue, I just felt...annoyed.  It makes me appreciate when the sun does peek out.  Like yesterday, the sun came out for about 45 mins, so I rushed out for a quick break and planted myself in it's beams. In the south I never appreciated the sun. Due to humidity and high heat, it was something I worked hard to avoid.  I was like a vampire, running from cover to cover, trying to never let the rays touch my skin. Now I regularly sit in the sun, which feels oddly wrong, but oh so right!  Funny how habits can change when you change your geographical location.

Last week we had a full week of sun, with impossibly beautiful weather.  The highs hovered near 70 and as I rode the back roads into Lynnwood, I surfed my hand out the car window with child like pleasure. Man I love living here!  They say the fall and winter months will test me, but I will have a photo therapy lamp, a stack of reading material and plenty of kdramas to keep me occupied. Oh! And writing ideas. ;)

Thrift shopping here is a dream. I was able to pick up a really good office chair for about $13.00 and a small bookshelf for $6.00.  This has improved the working from home environment 10 fold. Since I have comfortable seating and organized access to my work materials, my work day now flows well and production has improved. That's always a plus when you work from home.

I was also able to pick up some really great plates. I love the colors and will use this to base the decorating theme of my kitchen area.

Although the thrift shops are so filled with great items, I'm not just grabbing anything just to fill up my house.  I have the necessities, so now I will wait for things that really appeal to me to reveal themselves. This home will really represent me in a way that no other home has before. Simplistic and eclectic will be the overall theme. I plan to keep possessions down to a minimum, so never to have the overwhelm clutter I had before.

Speaking of possessions, I was also able to pick up a bathroom rug (feet get cold out of the shower), wine glasses (because those are definitely a necessity), and a really cute lap blanket for my couch. (Because it's still chilly here at night and in the mornings.) I did refrain from picking up nicknack's. I am limited on space and I still have lots of boxes being shipped from Arkansas.  I do believe quite a bit of it will find it's way to the thrift shop bins. I foresee a second wave of decluttering on the horizon.

I am still visiting H Mart regularly. I am now familiar with it's set up and can easily find whatever I need. Unlike the past trips, where I just wandered up and down the aisles, overwhelmed. I'm also, finally at the place where I'm just picking up favorite Asian cuts of meats, a few speciality items for new recipes, and things to restock my staples. I was also able to purchase some soju glasses, which look like plain ole shot glasses, but they were cheap and I really liked the idea of having the (supposedly) real thing.  Let's just say they have and will continue to be put to good use.

A couple of Sunday's ago, I spent the day in the Asian District of Seattle with my sister and our friend Carri.  The dim sum we encountered there was so good, that we nearly ate ourselves sick.  Encouraged to step outside my comfort zone, they urged me to order chicken feet.  I'm pretty adventurous food wise, but this was something I had seen in my k-dramas, but had never considered trying.  My sister made it clear she was never going to try it, so don't even ask.  Carri, who is half Korean, was curious, but had never gotten up the courage to take the plunge.  I  guess I was to be her guinea pig on this.  I really was going to take the challenge and tried hard to get our server's attention, but by the time she made her appearance, I was too stuffed with all the plethora of food we had ordered.  Next time, Carri, next time.   Errr....well next time we have dim sum.  Because I have been promised the best Bahn Mi in Seattle on our next visit to the Asian District.

Seems I am talking mostly about things Asian right now.  That's just because it happens to be my focused interest of the moment. Not that I will ever not be all about all things Asian, because it's a culture that has always spoken to me, even as a small child.  I blame it on my uncle "Geddy", who brought me back a blue silk Mandarin suit and several dolls from one of his many tours in Korea.  Also, my grandmother's house was filled with Japanese art and decor, so  I guess you can say it's a family thing. Eastern culture, be it Hindi, Korean, Chinese, or Japanese, just has always appealed to me, this is the reason I have studied so much Eastern religion, philosophy and history.

I'm finally getting into a routine.  It's starting to feel like 'home' to me now. This phase in my life feels right, in a way nothing ever has before.  Like I'm finally in my element. And that's a great thing indeed.

I sorely miss family and friends, but Skype is a wonderful tool for the next best thing to being there.  I don't miss the hot weather though.  Love you my Arkansas family, but I won't be home to visit until winter. ;)

Meanwhile, I'll just sit here and enjoy my cup of hot tea, the rain on my roof, a k-pop idol crooning soft love songs to me on my computer, and my warm furry companion, Phantom Bobaggins.  I've found bliss. Namaste.

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